Experience Cloud Basics – Certification study summary

What are the uses of Experience Cloud sites?

Experience Cloud allows you to create websites that present Salesforce data to external users, such as Customers, Partners and Employees.

  • Types of Experience Sites
    • Portal (customer or Account)
    • Website (Customer support or Partner management)
    • Help Center (with Public Knowledge Base)
    • Forum
    • Mobile App 

Types of Experience Cloud Sites

  • Customer Site (B2C)
    • SF objects
      • Account
      • Contact
      • Case
      • Article
      • Product
  • Partner Site (B2B)
    • Market development funds
      • To help market and create awareness of company’s brand
      • Create marketing budget, co-op funds for channel partners
      • Process fund claims with partners
    • SF objects
      • Account
      • Contact
      • Opportunity
      • Lead
      • Campaign
  • Employee Site (Internal)
    • For resources, training, onboarding, ticketing and HR
    • SF objects
      • Account
      • Contact
      • Case
      • Article
      • Task & Event
  • Hybrid sites
    • Collaborate, Partners with internal users
  • Portals
    • Self-service portal to give customer access to their account
  • Websites
    • External facing to provide public informations without needing a login.
    • With login to provide personalized experience
  • Help center
    • Self service
    • Connect with support agents with cases
  • Types of external accounts
    • Customer account: Add customer users to be able to access Experience cloud site
    • Partner Account: add Partner users to an org and allow them access to Experience Site

Experience Site Personas

Personas represent types of users in an Experience cloud Site, they are categorized according to the tasks they normally perform in the site.

  • End User Personas
    • Customers (external user)
      • Uses the site for:
        • Customer service
        • Get access to their Account 
        • View their Orders
        • View their Invoices
      • Self service consists in
        • Find solutions to their problems with a Knowledge base
        • Deflect case creation
        • Ask questions and get answers from other customers
        • See information about products
    • Partners (external user)
      • Resellers and Distributors
      • Collaborate with employees to sell more
      • Lead qualification
      • Opportunity management
      • Deal registration
      • Create quotes
    • Employees (internal user)
      • For onboarding
      • Training
      • Recruiting
      • Ticketing
      • Help desk
      • Using Chatter to discuss topics with other employees (social intranet)
      • Access to unified resources and files for training 
  • Employee Personas
    • Experience Cloud Site Manager
      • Enforces community rules
      • Create community guidelines
      • Monitor community use and health
        • Running Reports and dashboards 
      • Give member support
      • Reward members using gamification (rep levels and point system)
      • Site manager must be employee (internal user) 
        • Assign “Manage Experiences” Permission
    • Experience Cloud Admin
      • User management
        • Configure login pages
        • Setup members access
        • Setup permissions
      • Site settings and preferences for the site
      • Site branding and tabs
      • Navigation topics and article recommendations for users
      • Maintenance for the site
    • Experience cloud Moderator
      • They work with Site managers
      • Monitor User activity
      • Ensure content and posts are appropriate
      • Prevent spam, bots and troll attacks
      • Welcome new members and connect them with resources
      • Moderates comments and communication if necessary 
      • Moderators can be External or Internal users
        • External with moderation permissions
        • Internal users designated as moderators
    • Experience Cloud Builder
      • Develop and customize the sites
      • Design the user interface
      • Build components
      • Set templates
      • Customize page layouts for salesforce objects

Types of External Accounts in Experience Cloud 

External accounts allow users from outside the organization limited access to Salesforce records through a site. 

  • Customer Accounts
    • Business or Person Accounts can be enabled as Customer Accounts
      • Person Account requires prior enabling through SF help
      • Person Accounts can be created by Self-registering guest users and leaving the Account field blank
    • Create a Contact Record associated with an Account and enable it as Customer User
    • Once enabled as Customer, a User record is created
      • Needs a Role and Profile assigned
      • You can assign Customer Community or Customer Community Plus License
  • Partner Account
    • Only a Business account can be set as Partner User (no Person Accounts)
    • Create a Contact Record associated with a Business Account and enable it as Partner User
    • Needs a Role and Profile Assigned
    • You can assign the Partner Community license
    • Channel Manager
      • Uses Partner account to manage organizations, Users and Activities
      • Access all data associated with Partner Account and that Company
      • Partner Accounts typically owned by Channel Manager
    • Disabling Partner Account clicking Disable Partner Account (not available in Mobile)
  • External Accounts and Self-registration
    • Guest uses self-registers, can be saved as Contact under a Business account 
    • Must be previously Enabled as Partner

Features and Functions of Workspaces in Experience Sites

The Experience Site Workspace provides access to configuration features like the Builder, Moderation, Administration, Gamification, Content Management and Dashboards.

  • Workspaces
    • Guided setup for
      • Lead Distribution
      • Deal Registration
      • Channel Programs
      • Market Development fund
      • Campaign Marketplace
      • Intelligent Sales enablement
    • To access Workspaces:
      • Setup > Digital Experiences > Sites
  • Experience Site Builder
    • Branding
      • Customize Templates and pages
      • Theme panel 
        • Apply color
        • Font
        • Style
        • Use custom color scheme
      • Use Branding Sets to save a branding or set different brandings for different audiences
    • Components
      • Add components to pages and see the properties in the inspector
      • Publish site when you want changes to be public
    • Customize pages
    • Create Pages
  • Content Management
    • Content from external CMS 
    • Types of content displayed
      • Content from CMS connect
        • Connect external sources such as Adobe, or WordPress or other sites to reuse content like Images and other assets
      • Contents uploaded to the site
        • Documents
        • Images
        • News
        • Organized into collections and shared on the CMS
      • Salesforce CRM connection for Objects
        • Data from Salesforce objects can be seen as CMS content
        • A collection can be display data from an object and list view from Salesforce
    • To add a CMS connection, go to Content Management > CMS Connect > Add CMS connection
  • Moderation
    • Monitor and manage Member-Created content
    • Moderate pending discussions (Moderate Tab)
    • Create and edit Moderation Rules (Rules Tab)
    • Create Member Criteria or Content Criteria (Rules tab)
  • Gamification (encourages participation through game-like reward system)
    • Badges
      • Recognize member activity
      • Manual and automatically assigned 
    • Reputation
      • Recognize member activity
      • Earn or lose points based on activity
      • Setup
        • Setup > Experience sites > Site > Administration > Preferences > Enable setup and display of reputation levels then options appear
        • Enable Chatter
        • Define Reputation Actions in Setup > Experience Workspaces > Administration > Reputation points
        • Set reputation levels at Setup > Experience Workspaces > Administration > Reputation levels
      • Only users with the Manage Community permission can assign new point levels to actions
        • Setup > Experience > Administration > Reputation points
      • Actions with 0 points are excluded from Reputation
      • Reputation Levels have a name, point value and (optionally) Images
      • Earn levels accumulating points and crossing the threshold
      • You can’t create Charts and Groupings in tabular reports for Reputation
      • Rep points and levels shown in the User’s community profile
      • The Leaderboard component shows the people with more points
      • Rewardable actions (actions of engagement)
        • Creating new points
        • Commenting on other people’s posts
        • Liking a post/comment
        • Sharing a post
        • People doing actions on Active User’s posts
          • Sharing
          • Commenting
          • Liking
        • Mentioning someone (active users only) or being mentioned
        • Asking or answering a question
        • Receiving an answer
        • Marking an answer (or someone’s answer) as best
        • Endorsing or being endorsed for knowledge on a topic
    • Missions
      • Completing missions automatically assigns badges
    • Levels
  • Dashboards
    • Dashboards and reports for User Engagement on the site
    • Setup > Experience site > Workspace > Dashboards
    • Displays mapped dashboards
      • Mapped from Dashboards > Settings
      • Can also display dashboards on the home page
    • Insights mapped in a report folder
  • Admin
    • Add members with selected Profiles/Permission Sets
    • Add Contributors with specific roles (roles are specific to each site)
      • Viewer
      • Builder
      • Publisher
      • Admin
    • Login and Registration
      • You can customize Login branding and look
      • Enable Self-registration
      • Custom login and logout
      • Enable Forgot and reset password pages as well
    • Emails (from here you can customize these)
      • Email templates for Welcome, Forgot Password, User lockout etc
      • Chatter email branding
      • Set custom Email sender From and Email Address
    • Set Home page and others
    • Set Reputation levels and points with custom labels
    • Select and enable Rich publisher apps up to 5 custom apps
    • URL redirects set up 
    • You can set certain pages to be only visible to a group of members
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